It is clear to me that as this program ends, our Kick Starter Fundraising is just beginning. We are in the first week of love filled fundraising and I can just feel the glowing celebration when we have raised the funds to accomplish our dreams.
Compost and Fundraising are similar. It takes a web of life and interdependence for them to work. Both create the new fertile soil from which we nourish ourselves in the future. We take the products of our hard work... the food scraps; the dollars. We mix them with structure leaves, wood chips; a vision, a logic model. From there we add in the life, a hand full of worms and castings, some completed compost; the people carrying the soul of the project. This is the amalgam of life. Here we turn what was once just simple items into soil from which we feed and nourish ourselves; into the experiences which make our lives so special.
Today I am centered in the way things are. Simple, beautiful, and in perfect alignment. This bike ride has already begun and we are excited to be in the web of life that brings it forth. Thank you for your contribution today. Thank you for bringing the evidence of your hard work and putting it toward Love, Peace and Beautiful Bike Rides!